All Development Production

Engaging With The Service

September 17, 2019

By: Justin Hobbs

In my time of being in a church or ministry, and even getting to travel to other churches and productions, I’ve definitely seen varying levels of involvement and activity amongst the tech teams. Through being around different teams and organizations, I’ve noticed some common tendencies amongst our production brothers and sisters. 

Sometimes it’s easy for production teams to stay in the back and become disengaged from the spiritual side of an event. 

Maybe you know what I’m talking about: black shirt, arms crossed, hands firmly in pockets…the signs of someone who may not be completely bought in to an event or service.

Speaking for myself, I know that I almost ALWAYS do a better job at mixing when I am actively participating and engaging with the spiritual side of a service. Even still, I know how easy it can be to simply work an event and totally ignore and miss what God might be trying to say to me. I’m not saying we have to be singing at the top of our lungs while mixing or running slides, but I know we can all find a way to stay aware, engaged, and open to what God may be saying to us while still staying on top of advancing lyrics or hitting the right cues. 

Since entering into the church/ministry media and production world, I’ve grown and received a ton of great truths by staying engaged in the service and the process, even when hearing the same songs and sermons multiple times in one day. Sometimes I find it almost amusing how on days when I have that feeling of “I’m just ready to make it through another service”, those are often the songs or sermons that land the most and God really speaks to me. It can be easy to overlook the message once or twice, but when you are “stuck” at the mix position getting hit with it over and over, it becomes difficult to ignore. 

I want to look at a couple verses in 1 Peter 4 (NLT). Verses 10 and 11 say, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies…” 

We have all received gifts from God and we’re called to use them by serving each other. But that requires more than just showing up and letting those on stage take on that responsibility. If we believe in the message that we’re sending as much as the worship team and pastors do, then we should be just as successful at spreading the same gospel through production as they are through music and teaching.

Every detail matters when we are working to create a worship service. God doesn’t want me to spectate from the fringe, but he does have a place for my genuine involvement. Being bought into the message coming from the stage can be tough while standing in the back of the room. But the unique result that comes from using your gifts and talents may be exactly what it takes to change someone’s life.

Engage in the service. Sing along, take notes, worship. We’re given an incredible opportunity to help others engage in worship. Don’t miss out on engaging with our God.